Visual Studio 2012 Sim-Ship Partners Award

Michael PhillipsWe get a lot of awards around here. Some of them are prestigious and coveted, some are really cool, and a few of them, admittedly, seem to be handed out to anyone with a web site and a mailing address.

But we welcome and appreciate all of them, we really do. In fact, we bust our asses to earn some of them, and as a result of doing so, wind up providing you with the best web hosting money can buy. I know I’ve been saying that a lot lately, but it’s because I really believe it.

We’re also members of the Microsoft Visual Studio Industry Partner (VSIP) program, which gets us in on early previews of new products and gives us a direct feedback channel which allows us to influence development. And also, apparently, qualifies us to receive awards:

Okay, so that’s clearly more of a “thank you” than an actual award, but it’s shaped like an award, and it’s heavy and made of etched glass, just like many legitimate awards.

And as I said, we do love to receive awards. We’re human, after all. They make us feel good about what we do around here all day. When we walk into the office we’re confronted with walls full of them, and they make us smile. Not smug, self-satisfied smiles, more like yeah, we’re that awesome smiles.

This one has been added to a cabinet here in our lobby that is overflowing with all sorts of heavy glass kudos. You’re welcome to come and see it, have your picture taken with it and say hello to us next time you’re in Pasadena.

This particular award-type-plaque-thing recognizes us a “Sim-ship Partner.” I had to look that up. In case you didn’t know, sim-ship means simultaneous shipment. I assume that a lot of these VSIP developers and tool builders:

had a little more input into the product than we did.

As the only host on that list, our role is basically to try these things out and tell Microsoft where they are broken as far as a commercial hosting environment is concerned. Which we do out of our own self-interest and self-preservation, but it benefits everyone out there who uses Microsoft web development technologies.

You’re welcome!

Even though Microsoft isn’t as cozy with web hosts as they once were, it’s nice of them to send us this engraved piece of glass. Though it probably took me longer to get a readable picture of it than it did for someone in building B1400 up there in Redmond to order and ship it. Still, we appreciate the sentiment and the effort, and naturally it looks good on our shelves.

Win free stuff from DiscountASP.NET

Michael PhillipsWe publish a lot of research here on the blog, and much of it is based on several customer surveys that we do throughout the year.

Maybe you’ve received email from us in the past asking you to complete a survey. Maybe you thought, “Come on now DiscountASP.NET, I don’t have time for your survey!” Well, did you know that we usually award some pretty cool prizes to randomly chosen people who complete the surveys?

We do!

We just sent out two Microsoft Surface tablets to lucky customers who helped us out by completing our most recent survey. They are Robin Cox in Waukesha Wisconsin, and Hoanh Phan just down the road from us in Anaheim, California.

So next time you get an email from DiscountASP.NET asking for a few minutes of your time to complete a survey, don’t delete it! You could be the next winner. Really.

Will DiscountASP.NET Users Develop Windows 8 (Metro) Style Apps?

Stefanus HadiI previously blogged about our users’ intentions to develop Metro-style apps (now called Windows 8-style apps).  The previous post was based on two surveys that we ran in October 2011 and March 2012.

We asked the same question in our October 2012 customer survey.  However, before answering the question regarding Metro-style apps, we first asked our users to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to their intention to upgrade to Windows 8 O/S or their desire to purchase the Surface tablet.

We received 822 responses from the U.S., compared to 1,265 responses from around the world.  In order to remain consistent with my previous post, I’ll limit the following charts by pulling data from only our U.S.-based users.

In October of 2011, 7% of DiscountASP.NET users had already started developing Windows 8-style apps using the available betas.  The percentage increased slightly to 9% in March 2012.

Charts 1 and 2 show our October 2012 survey results. The percentage of our users who have already started developing Windows 8-style has increased to 13% for users who answered ‘yes’ to intending to upgrade to the Windows 8 O/S.

While for users who answered ‘yes’ to their desire to purchase the Surface tablet, this percentage jumped to 24%.  We conclude from this that Surface tablet buyers are more likely to start developing Windows 8-style apps.

Similarly, the number of users who were planning to develop Windows 8-style apps within the next 3 to 12 months is higher for the “Surface tablet buyer” group than the “Windows 8 upgrade” group.  60% of the he “Surface tablet buyer” group intend to develop Windows 8-style apps within the next 3 to 12 months, compared to 47% for the “Windows 8 upgrade” group.

Chart 3 shows that the percentage of DiscountASP.NET users who are not planning to develop Windows 8-style applications.  The number of users who are not planning to develop Windows 8-style apps is higher for the “Windows 8 upgrade” group (31%) than for the “Surface tablet buyer” group (14%).

In summary, the interest among our users in developing Windows 8-style apps almost doubled within the past 12 months.  We believe that the Surface tablet buyers are more open to building Windows 8-style apps than those who intend to upgrade to Windows 8.

Since we ran our survey, both Windows 8 and the Surface tablet have officially launched.  We will continue to monitor our user’s interest in the new O/S platform, new Microsoft hardware, and if they turned their intent to develop Windows 8 apps into actual apps.

Best Tech Support in the industry? We’ve got that.

Michael PhillipsWe published a couple of posts based on our most recent customer survey, but there was another interesting result that I wanted to let you know about.

We have an unusual approach to providing technical support; we do not accept incoming phone calls. People who do not use DiscountASP.NET, or who are shopping for a new host, often criticize us for that approach. They are used to the status quo, which is a toll-free number they can use to speak to someone at the company. They don’t understand how support can be done via email and still be effective.

Interestingly though, our users certainly seem to understand, and their satisfaction would seem to suggest that our methods are indeed effective and meet, or exceed, their needs:

Providing technical support for certain aspects of web hosting is a very simple proposition. It’s the other bits that get messy, and it’s those other bits that we focus on.

Our support staff is painstakingly selected, and we only accept people who meet certain minimum technical knowledge requirements. Once we take them in, we spend a significant amount of time training them. It will be months before they will be answering your difficult ticket.

Now, about those hosts with the toll-free phone numbers — if you expect to speak to someone with more than a few days (or at best a few weeks) of training when you call them, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the odds are that you will not.

Because it isn’t possible – and I don’t mean economically – to train enough people to answer phone calls around the clock while still maintaining overall competence. It isn’t possible because there aren’t enough smart, high-quality candidates within 100 miles of the call center to fill all those seats.

I say that with some degree of certainty, since I spent more than a decade hiring web hosting tech support staff here in Los Angeles, an area that is home to 10 million residents within driving distance of our office. If we have to expend a lot of time and effort to find people who are up to our standards here, imagine how difficult (read: impossible) it is in smaller areas.

I won’t even get into the impossibility of maintaining high standards when your support staff is 9,000 miles away. Listen, I’m not here to put down anyone who takes the outsourcing route. I get it. It’s cheap, it’s easy. But it’s almost always a bad experience for the end user, and frankly, it’s just not our style.

So in order to answer phone calls all day every day, you have to employ a less talented work force, which in turn degrades the experience for you, the caller. We only take the cream of the crop, so we had to devise a system that most effectively applies them to the task at hand: providing the best tech support available anywhere, for any price.

We think we’ve been extremely successful in building a great support staff, and more importantly, a support culture that puts quick, expert service above all else.

And as the latest survey shows, our users would agree.

How long have we been doing this?

Michael PhillipsDiscountASP.NET opened its doors in 2003 (yes, we’re in our 10th year now, so get ready for a lot of 10 year anniversary hoopla next year!), but people often ask us, “How long have you guys been working with Microsoft web technologies?”

The answer is, about this long:

Our Director of System Administration, Victor, found these when he was cleaning up some old junk in the office server room.

The discs include such cutting edge gems as VB 5, Visual FoxPro 5, Visual InterDev, SQL Server 6.5 and other dusty relics of the not-so-recent past.

When I asked him why he kept them, he simply said, “Well, I didn’t want to just throw them away!” Then he let me know that he had software that was a lot older if I wanted to see it.

I passed.

I’ll stick with my fond, fading memories of the horrors of trying to provide first-class commercial hosting on IIS 3.0 and NT 4. I don’t need a scratchy old disc lying around to make the painful memories more vivid. 😉

To those of you in the U.S., happy Thanksgiving!

Email from DiscountASP.NET? Maybe not.

Michael PhillipsIf you received an email claiming to be from DiscountASP.NET that includes the line:

“Domain account [Your Domain Name] has exceeded the limit load available for the existing pay rate plan.”

please do not follow any links in the email. It is a password phishing email and was not sent from DiscountASP.NET. It appears that the domain and email address information used to send the messages was harvested from public whois records.

If you did click on a link in the phishing email we recommend that you reset your Control Panel password immediately, and check your web site for any files that you didn’t upload yourself. You may want to change your email passwords as well.

We started to get reports of the email last Thursday, but we’re still seeing new reports today, so they appear to be going out in a slow trickle, likely in order to avoid triggering any spam flags at the host(s) they are being sent from.

If you received the phishing email, we would appreciate it if you could send a copy of the message (including the email headers) to support. It will help us in our efforts to get the phishing site(s) shut down.

Why are they targeting DiscountASP.NET users?

We don’t know, but we’ve noticed that they are also sending the same email to CloudFlare users, and I would assume it is also being sent to users at other hosts who just haven’t said anything about it publicly yet.

What are we doing about it?

We’ve implemented SPF records, which will stop the emails from being received at some mail servers, but SPF implementation is far from universal, so that’s a bit of a limited solution. From a technical standpoint though, it’s all we can do from our end.

We are, of course, reporting the phishing to the relevant hosts, and we’ve added a notice to Control Panel, posted to Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

And wrote this blog post…

Validating Your Users Email Addresses

Michael OssouIt’s really simple. If you can’t contact your users, you have a problem. For better or worse, your primary way of staying in contact with your users is still an email address. So you want to make sure you have a valid email address for them that not only is good during signup, but long after. That means periodically you should check on your data.

The only way to be 100% certain the email address is valid would be to actually email the customer. We’ll get to that shortly, but first let’s look at another option.

How can we programmatically determine if an email address is valid with a reasonable amount of certainty? One option would be to test the email address using a library like ASPNETMX. ASPNETMX can test the validity of an email address by essentially doing four things for us:

  1. Check the Syntax of the email address.
  2. Make sure the domain has a valid MX record associated with it.
  3. Make sure the correct SMTP server exists by connecting to it.
  4. Verify the email address is valid by attempting to send a message and stopping at the last moment

It’s the last part that’s interesting. Let’s manually have an SMTP conversation using telnet and look at what’s going on:

telnet 25
Server: 220
Me: HELO MyLocalComputerName
SERVER: 250 Hello
Me: MAIL FROM:[email protected]
Server: 250 OK < thesender> Sender ok
Me: RCPT TO:[email protected]
Server: 250 OK < therecipient> Recipient ok

When sending a regular message, this conversation would continue. The subject, body, etc. of the message are defined and then the message is sent. ASPNETMX goes through only the above steps and disconnects from the server. It’s interested only in the response the server will issue for the recipients email address. If the server replies ‘Ok’, it considers the email address valid. If the response is not ‘Ok’, it will report that to us as well.

Let’s look at a simple example of a console application that takes an email address and uses ASPNETMX to validate the email address.

using aspNetMX;

namespace AspNetMxSingleTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            while (true)
                MXValidate mx = new MXValidate();
                MXValidateLevel lvl = MXValidateLevel.NotValid;
                mx.CheckGreylisting = true;
                mx.CacheMXTimeOut = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0);
                mx.LogInMemory = true;

                string emailAddress;
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Email Address:");
                emailAddress = Console.ReadLine();
                lvl = mx.Validate(emailAddress, MXValidateLevel.Mailbox);



Now, let’s look at the results.


A more complete option would probably be to actually send an email. The idea being that when it’s time to send a newsletter or some other communication, we use the bounced messages to flag our bad email addresses.

Services like MailGun and SendGrid make this a pretty painless process as they offer APIs to deal with such events. SendGrid even has a Nuget Package to drop their bits into your Visual Studio project. These aren’t the cheapest options, but if you read our post regarding mass email last week, you will see a lot goes into the services they offer.

JavaScript Saturday premiers in Long Beach

Michael PhillipsIf you’re in the Los Angeles area you can come see us on our latest world tour stop at JavaScript Saturday in Long Beach this very Saturday, November 10th!

We’re bringing this guy with us to make his tour debut and check out the sessions. Come and say hello, and get into the Long Beach JavaScript groove (reportedly the best groove available on Saturday).

According to the organizers, JavaScript Saturday is a complete one-day Training from the best of the Javascript experts aimed at all levels of expertise.

Have no experience in Javascript? – Go from beginner to advanced in a day.

Want to know about Javascript frameworks and how to advance in your career – This event is for you.

Victim of Information overload? – You will know what you need to know and you will find out what you don’t know.

Nathan Totten – Microsoft
Chander Dhall – Microsoft MVP, author, trainer, mentor
Hattan Shobokshi – Microsoft Community Contributor, Speaker & Senior Software Engineer
Jeff Carlos – Co-founder/CTO
Troy Miles – designer and developer of software since 1979, mobile development team at Kelley Blue Book
Jason Beres – VP of Product Management, Community, and Developer Evangelism