SoCal Code Camp: Fullerton Edition Jan 29-30

The next Southern California Code Camp will be held this weekend, January 29 & 30, at Cal State Fullerton and DiscountASP.NET will be there!

The 2 day code camp begins on Saturday, with the first sessions starting at 8:45am (PST) and the last session at 4pm (PST).  On Sunday, code camp sessions start at 9am (PST) with the last session at 3pm.  As always, code camps are absolutely FREE, but you must register on their site:

In addition to the numerous sessions, the traditional SoCal Code Camp Geek Dinner will be Saturday evening at 6pm, at the Cantina Lounge, which is located right across the street from the Cal State Fullerton campus.  The Geek Dinner is free for the first 150 attendees who check in on Saturday morning.  So, if you want to go to the Geek Dinner, and mingle with other developers, make sure you check in early on Saturday morning and get a dinner ticket.

As mentioned, DiscountASP.NET will be attending the event on Saturday only.  We will have a table with giveaways and a raffle.  We are also there to answer questions anyone has about our web hosting services and our hosted TFS service.   Please make sure to stop by and say hello.

For more information and to register, please visit:

Mark Medina
Marketing Director

Orchard CMS Works on DiscountASP.NET Windows 2008 Hosting Platform

orchard hostingWhat is Orchard?
In the short term, the Orchard project delivers a .NET-based CMS application that allows users to quickly create content-driven Web sites, and provides an extensibility framework that will allow developers to provide additional functionality through module extensions and themes.

In the long term, the Orchard project is a free, open source project aimed at delivering applications and reusable components on the ASP.NET platform.

You can find more information at

What database does the Orchard CMS require?
You can use either MS SQL Server or MS SQL CE 4 as your database.

Does DiscountASP.NET hosting platform support Orchard?
Yes, we’ve tested installing Orchard on our ASP.NET Hosting platform and it works! Your site needs to be on Windows Server 2008 since Orchard requires ASP.NET 4.0.

How do I install Orchard?
Manually: You can install Orchard manually by uploading the files. Here’s a link to documentation:

WebMatrix: You can deploy Orchard using WebMatrix. You may want to use our new Web Deploy Publish Settings Generator in the control panel. We have a new knowledge base article on deploying apps with WebMatrix too.

Control Panel Web App Gallery: We’ve added Orchard to the Control Panel Web Application Gallery available to customers on our Windows 2008 hosting platform for an easy one-click deployment!

Orchard Resource links:

Frank Cheung

Orchard CMS Works on DiscountASP.NET Windows 2008 Hosting Platform

orchard hostingWhat is Orchard?
In the short term, the Orchard project delivers a .NET-based CMS application that allows users to quickly create content-driven Web sites, and provides an extensibility framework that will allow developers to provide additional functionality through module extensions and themes.

In the long term, the Orchard project is a free, open source project aimed at delivering applications and reusable components on the ASP.NET platform.

You can find more information at

What database does the Orchard CMS require?
You can use either MS SQL Server or MS SQL CE 4 as your database.

Does DiscountASP.NET hosting platform support Orchard?
Yes, we’ve tested installing Orchard on our ASP.NET Hosting platform and it works! Your site needs to be on Windows Server 2008 since Orchard requires ASP.NET 4.0.

How do I install Orchard?
Manually: You can install Orchard manually by uploading the files. Here’s a link to documentation:

WebMatrix: You can deploy Orchard using WebMatrix. You may want to use our new Web Deploy Publish Settings Generator in the control panel. We have a new knowledge base article on deploying apps with WebMatrix too.

Control Panel Web App Gallery: We’ve added Orchard to the Control Panel Web Application Gallery available to customers on our Windows 2008 hosting platform for an easy one-click deployment!

Orchard Resource links:

Frank Cheung

Visual Studio deployment with webdeploy causes permission issue

For certain applications, you might need to write/modify files on your site, e.g., logging, file based database, etc.  Recently, we have seen some customers reporting an access denied error when their application tries to write/modify files within their website.

We found that when you deploy your website using the WebDeploy feature of Visual Studio 2010, the deployment package actually contains couple of SetAcl rules

  1. change the aspnet user to only have read access.
  2. Change the aspnet user to have change (RW) access to the app_Data directory

This means that if the file you are trying to change is not within the app_Data directory, you’ll get an access denied error.

In theory, this concept is good because it makes your site more secure, however, there are some problems associated with it.

  • You cannot tell VS.NET to change the rule to allow write permission to directory other than app_Data.  As a result, you will need to rewrite your application to store the updatable file within the app_Data directory.
  • There’s no UI configuration to tell VS.NET to not mess with permission on the server

So…what do we do?

After some research, it looks like you can configure VS.NET to not change the NTFS permission when deploying using webdeploy.  The process is not very straightforward, but works nonetheless:

  • Open your project file (.csproj or .vbproj) in notepad or any other text editor
  • Navigate to the proper property group (you get one node for each compile configuration)
  • Within this element
    • <propertygroup condition=” ‘$(Configuration)|$(Platform)’ == ‘Release|AnyCPU’ “>
    • Add <includesetaclproviderondestination>False</includesetaclproviderondestination>
    • You’ll need to add this line for each configuration that you want SetAcl disabled.
    • Save the project file
    • Reopen it with VS.NET
    • Note that by adding this, it will not “Fix” the permission on the server.  If any previous deployment changed the permission, you’ll have to contact our support team to reset the permission.

I am sure Microsoft will make some enhancements to VS.NET in the future releases.  In the meantime, you’ll have to use this rather tedious workaround.

Frank Cheung

Research Article: Exploring Attitudes of .NET Developers Toward New Technologies

It’s a brand new year and what a better way to start out the new year but with a research article…

The challenge for all technology innovators is to ensure their technologies stay relevant for users who consume the technology, remain important to the developers who develop with the technology and adapt to competitive forces in a constantly changing technology landscape. One important aspect of business intelligence is to track the opinions and attitudes of developers. Based on the results of a September 2010 survey of DiscountASP.NET customers, general attitudes of ASP.NET web developers toward new technologies are explored, including MVC 3, Silverlight, HTML 5 and Internet Explorer 9. The survey results are viewed using different comparisons and segmentation techniques to observe underlying trends.

Here’s a link to the article:

Exploring Attitudes of ASP.NET Web Developers toward New Technologies:
Silverlight, MVC 3, HTML 5, Internet Explorer 9

[PDF version of the report.]

Let us know what you think.

Takeshi Eto
VP Marketing and Business Development

30 Day FREE Promotion for Hosted Team Foundation Server

Happy New Year!

We ran a Team Foundation Server 2010 hosting launch special for our customers last year.

But to ring in the new year, we decided to open up the 30-Day Free promotion for hosted TFS to everyone.

Sign up today for TFS hosting and it’s free for 30 days (for up to 5 users) and the setup fee is also waived.

This is a limited time offer and expires at the end of the month.

Takeshi Eto
VP Marketing and Business Development

Top 10 Things we Accomplished in 2010

It’s hard to believe that 2010 is just about over. I don’t know about you, but for me, this year just whizzed by really quickly. At the end of each year I like to look back and reflect on the what we were able to accomplish. I’m really proud of our team because we accomplished a lot this year. Here is a list of our Top 10 accomplishments of 2010.

1. Team Foundation Server 2010 Hosting
Our mission has always been to provide cutting edge hosting solutions for .NET developers. We offer great .NET web hosting but this year we took it further and expanded our hosting service. We launched TFS 2010 Hosting as a new hosted SaaS solution for source control and bug tracking.

2. ASP.NET 4 Hosting
We try to stay on top of new .NET technology. In keeping with our track record for being a fast mover, we started offering ASP.NET 4.0 hosting on our Windows 2008 hosting platform on the day that it was officially released. The launch included a .NET Framework selector, support for Visual Studio 2010, and support for web deploy and one-click publishing.

3. SQL Enhancements
We launched a bunch of SQL enhancements, and each could stand alone as their own item on this list — but combining them here allows me to stuff the list…

  • SQL Profiling as a Service is available as a powerful new tool for troubleshooting SQL performance issues.
  • SSL encrypted SQL connections are available for increased SQL security in both the US and UK datacenter locations.
  • SQL Server 2008 R2, the latest in SQL technology, is available in both the US and UK datacenter locations.

4. MySQL – Redux and Re-Loaded
A few years ago we dropped offering MySQL. But the increasing popularity of a number of MySQL-only applications and the improvement in the ability to run PHP in a Windows environment has created renewed demand. So we brought back MySQL hosting and it’s better than ever.

5. Microsoft Web Application Gallery Integration with our Control Panel
We integrated Microsoft Web Application Gallery into our Control Panel for one-click installation of many popular applications on our Windows 2008 hosting platform. We have filtered the apps, tested them, and made them easier to install. You can now install apps like blogengine, Kentico CMS, mojoPortal, MonoX, nopCommerce, screwturn wiki and DotNetNuke. We’ve also added PHP apps such as WordPress, Drupal, phpBB, and Moodle. We’ll continue to evaluate and update the available apps.

6. Microsoft IIS Smooth Streaming
We launched Microsoft IIS Smooth Streaming on our Windows 2008 hosting platform, putting adaptive streaming of media over HTTP within reach of our customers.

7. Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 Control Panel Starter Kits
We released a Silverlight 4 control panel starter kit and a Windows Phone 7 control panel starter kit through this blog. The full source code is available and it can be extended and customized. The starter kits take advantage of our Control Panel API and are a powerful example of what is possible with our hosting platform. We appreciate feedback on the starter kits and would love to see what customers do with them.

8. Research Papers
We started to publish research papers this year.  We host a large number of ASP.NET web developers and through our surveys we can gain some interesting insights and observe trends. The research papers are a way to give back to the community. You can check out the papers and articles which focus on Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 as they were hot topics this year:

9. IIS DBManager
We launched support for the IIS DBManager module and we extended it with  SQL backup and restore functionalities.

10. Free RapidSSL Certificate with SSL Add-on
We started offering FREE RapidSSL Certificates with the activation of the SSL add-on. Enabling SSL security for your site is now easier than ever.

Just had to get some honorable mentions onto the list….

11. Awards
We won a bunch of awards in 2010, including:

12. Free ASP.NET 4 beta Hosting
We ran a free ASP.NET 4 beta sandbox hosting program in our labs environment for the developer community for close to 1.5 years, until retiring it in April, 2010. We continued to update the sandbox with new .NET beta frameworks as they were released.

What I have listed in this post are the customer-facing accomplishments, which do not include all the work we’ve done behind the scenes to improve our hosting  service.

We are looking forward to 2011 and making it another year of innovation! Thanks for reading and have a happy new year!

Takeshi Eto
VP Marketing and Business Development

Managing multiple users and projects with Team Foundation Server 2010 at DiscountASP.NET

Sign Up for TFS Hosting at DiscountASP.NET

The first step is to set up a DiscountASP.NET Team Foundation Server hosting account at

Create User

After the TFS hosting account is established, the next step is to create a user. Access the Manage Users tool in the TFS Control Panel, supply a user name, and enter the password for the user and then click on the “Add” button.

Add User to Global Group

Add the user that was just created to a global group. This is required so that projects can be added to Team Foundation Server. Access the Global Groups tool in the TFS Control Panel and click on the “View/Edit Members” link, select the user that was created and then click on the “Save” button.

Configure Visual Studio

Next, Visual Studio 2010 must be properly configured to connect to the DiscountASP.NET Team Foundation Server. We provide the steps to accomplish this in our Visual Studio 2010 Installation and Configuration guide in our TFS knowledge base.

Add Project to TFS

Next add your project/web site files to the Team Foundation Server.

To do this, access the Team Explorer window and if it’s not already visible, access the “View” menu and then click on Team Explorer. From the Team Explorer window, right-click on the server and then click on the “New Team Project…” option to start the new team project wizard.

One of the decisions you will need to make during the creation of a team project is what project management methodology will be employing for your project. By default, you can select Agile or CMMI but the use of a custom template is also supported (see this Blog post on using the SCRUM template).

After your team project has been created, open the local copy of your project/web site that you have and switch to the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio. Right-click on your project/web site and select the “Add Project/Web Site to Source Control…” menu item.

In the Solution Explorer, the files that have been marked for source control will be denoted by a yellow plus symbol.

Checking In Files

Since this is a new project, you will need to first check your files in. The easiest method is to access the “View” menu and see a complete list of resources that needs to be added, and then hover over the Other Windows sub-menu and select “Pending Changes.”

You may want to select all of the folders and files for your project/web site and check them in. If not, you can check specific files to check in.

Other Projects

If there are other projects that you are managing; repeat the steps for each project.

Setting Up Additional Developers

Now that the projects are set up, the next goal is to set up the developers that will be involved in the various projects.

Adding Users to Projects

To add users to a project, access the Project Groups tool in your TFS Control Panel and since you have multiple projects, you will need to make sure that the correct one is selected in the drop-down menu.

Determine which group the user will be added to and then click on the “View/Edit members” link.  If you need help deciding which group to add a user to, you can reference the Team Foundation Server Default Groups, Permissions, and Roles article that is available through Microsoft’s MSDN site.

Check the desired member options and click on the “Save” button to add the user.