The social side of DiscountASP.NET

Michael PhillipsDo you use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Google Plus? That seems like a rhetorical question these days, since it would be unusual if you didn’t use at least one of those social networking services.

Here at DiscountASP.NET we have been using social media for some time, but in recent months you may have noticed that we are focusing more effort on them, as well as here on the blog.

As recently as five years ago we were pretty much relegated to our community forum as our only means of public interaction with you. And despite all the new methods springing up, the forum is still probably our most active avenue.

But so much has opened up over that past few years that it would be wrong not to utilize as many methods as we can. The services keep coming, and at times, just keeping up with all of them can seem like an overwhelming task.

We pride ourselves on being a lean, fast and adaptable company, so we do not have dozens of staff members hanging around looking for something to do. Many of us wear more than one hat, and fitting social media into our day to day workflow has been interesting, to say the least.

But we’re getting the hang of it. Just in time to absorb a new channel, Google Plus.

We’re excited about Google Plus though, because its early adopters and power users are our kind of people. Developers, geeks and people who are as tech-obsessed as we are. If you use Google Plus, stop by our page and join our circles (you don’t even have to try remember the crazy numerical Google Plus address – just go to

If you don’t use Google Plus, give it a try. Like a lot of things Google does, it’s clean, fast and intuitive (when is the last time you heard that said about Facebook?), and it appears to be a real player in the battle for your “social” time online.

“Social Media” is a funny term to me. I have been tinkering around online since the dark and dusty pre-web BBS days, and to me, the Internet has always seemed like an utterly social tool.

We all have a primal need to communicate, and the Internet is unquestionably the greatest communication tool ever conceived. Telegraph, wireless, telephones – they were profound game-changers, but they are all small potatoes compared to the worldwide sprawl of the net.

Has it cured the world’s evils? No. Can anything? But despite the multitude of problems humanity always seems to grapple with, I can’t shake the feeling that it really is a great and momentous time to be alive on planet earth.

So talk to us! We really enjoy hearing what you have to say. We will always be up front and honest with you. It’s the only way we know how to be. The more we hear from you, the better we can make our services. Everybody wins.

FREE SQL Server 2012 Beta Hosting Available for Customers

Takeshi EtoI am pround to announce that we launched FREE SQL Server 2012 beta hosting (code name Denali) for our web hosting customers as part of our labs program. This is an opportunity for our customers to test out the next-generation in SQL Server database technology that will be available next year.

Every DiscountASP.NET webhosting account can enable a free 100 mb SQL 2012 beta database through their Control Panel.

SQL Server 2012 - DenaliRemember, this is a beta product and is intended for testing and experimentation so we do not recommend running production sites with this beta database. With the SQL 2012 beta hosting service, the SQL backup/restore tools, Attach MDF File tool and SQL Shrink tools are all available. However, the SQL 2012 beta server is not part of our nighly backups.

The SQL 2012 beta hosting program will end a week after the official release of SQL 2012. Of course, we will be notifying users via email before we take down the service.

For more information about SQL Server 2012, visit the Microsoft SQL web site.

If you run into any issues or have feedback, please post in our Community Forum.

This is the type of value added services and previews that we at DiscountASP.NET are continually working on to provide our customers with access to the latest cutting-edge Microsoft technologies as early as possible. We hope you enjoy the beta.

If you blog it, they will come

Michael PhillipsA few of us went to BlogWorld & New Media Expo in recently, and it was a very interesting three days. A lot of attendees were people who blog in one niche or another (like us), and who are trying to find ways to monetize their blogs.

We’re in a different position than many of those people since this blog is part of our service and not something we need to try to squeeze money from. That frees us up in many ways, but it also puts an onus on us to provide a different kind of content.

What we’re trying, and hopefully succeeding, to do here are a few things; provide service-specific information, knowledge, insight, and personality. The service information is easy; “Hey, we’re offering this service now,” or “There’s a special deal on this product.” Those kinds of things write themselves.

Knowledge – how-tos, tutorials, and deeper information into specific aspects of the service – is much more difficult to produce, but luckily we love what we do around here, so it isn’t terribly difficult to come up with those either.

All of the support and development staff here use the same products that you do, and when we see that there are a lot of questions around something, or that it would benefit a lot of people to produce a how-to on a specific product or technology, we’re all over it.

Insight – now that’s a good one. How many hosting company blogs do you see that publish research? I only see one: ours. Though I may be biased. Never rule that out.

The fact that such a large percentage of our user base are hard-core .NET developers puts us in a unique position. The results of a survey of more typical (less development-focused) hosting customers would look quite different than the results of our surveys.

We have always done surveys, and always created papers based on the results of those surveys for our own use. But early last year we decided to start making much of our research public, through this blog, press releases, etc.

On the surface, doing that doesn’t particularly benefit us. Quite the contrary, since we’re effectively handing our hard-won data to our competitors. But we wanted you to have access to the data, because as developers, we know that a lot of it will be of interest to you.

Having a window into the zeitgeist never hurts. So let the competition have it too, we’re not too concerned with that. We’re thinking about these things all the time, and by the time they get a look at our research, we’re probably on to something new anyway.

But we’re the source of that insight, which gives us a critical component to the blog here, and that benefits us and you. It lets you know what we’re up to, what we’re looking at, and where things could conceivably go in the future. We think that kind of thing is important, and wish that more tech companies did the same.

Are there some things we keep under wraps until they are ready to go to market? Of course. But you can see our overall path or strategy, and hopefully that makes you feel a little more secure in the knowledge that we’re here for the long haul.

Finally, personality. Now that’s a tough nut to crack. There are plenty of corporate blogs out there with personality. Much of that personality might make you wonder why anyone would ever want to do business with the company, but hey, it’s out there. 😉

Frankly, that’s a risk you have to run. Without personality you wind up with a press release or announcements blog, and no one wants to read that.  Ultimately, it’s important to us that you know who we are. That there are real people here behind the curtain, and we’re as normal (or as weird) as you are.

We come in to the office every day because what we do interests and excites us.  So, okay, admittedly that may make us a little weirder than you are. But like a lot of you, we spend most of our waking hours neck-deep in web technology. If we’re all on a bullet train to the future, it’s good to be in one of the cars up front, right? The view is much better. You know that, we know that, and the rest of the world seems to be catching up as well.

I’ll have more to say about some of the specific things we heard at BlogWorld & New Media Expo in upcoming posts. In the meantime, here’s Jim Farley from Ford making what appears to be a painful point in one of the BlogWorld keynote speeches.

The SUV under wraps by the side of the stage there was covered with QR codes, by the way, and would be unveiled a week later at the Los Angeles Auto Show.

What is Jim Farley so mad about?

Telerik offers Discounts on TeamPulse and Ideas & Feedback Portal

Takeshi Eto Telerik TeamPulseI’m happy to report that we’ve extended and expanded our partnership with Telerik to help our customers improve their Application Lifecycle Management.

Telerik is extending their offer to our customers for a 15% discount on TeamPulse. TeamPulse is an integrated suite of tools for improving development productivity. With this tool, you can manage requirements, track progress and schedule releases of your applications. It’s really cool and I’m a big fan because we use it in-house here at DiscountASP.NET for our own development and I’ve blogged about that previously.

Telerik is also offering our customers with a 15% discount on their new TeamPulse Ideas & Feedback Portal. The Ideas & Feedback Portal is a web-based solution for manging customer ideas and feedback and is as an extension to TeamPulse. With this tool you can manage feedback more efficiently to help your development teams to prioritize and focus on work that increases customer value.

This is a limited time offer and expires on December 31, 2011.

Here is the coupon code that you can use to get this limited time 15% discount deal on TeamPulse and the TeamPulse Ideas & Feedback Portal.


For the holiday season, give the gift of developer productivity and ALM efficiency!

DiscountASP.NET Wins Best ASP.NET Hosting Gold Medal from DevProConnections

devproconnections gold community choice 2011 award

I am very proud to announce that our ASP.NET Hosting Service was named the Gold Medal Winner of the “2011 Community Choice Awards” in the Best Hosting Service Category by Penton Media’s DevProConnections magazine for the second year in a row!

And note that DevProConnections magazine was formerly known as asp.netPRO Magazine where we won the Reader’s Choice Award for Best Hosting Services for 5 straight years between 2005-2009. So you could say this would be our seventh year to win this award!

Our entire team is very grateful to the .NET community for this recognition and w e are invigorated as the year winds down and we look toward 2012. On the horizon we see Silverlight 5, MVC 4, WebMatrix 2, SQL 2012, ASP.NET 4.5 and, yes, Windows 8. Lots of great stuff coming and we look forward to hosting it all. We promise to continue to work hard to provide the .NET community with cutting edge hosting solutions and the best is yet to come!

FREE Web Matrix v2 beta Hosting at DiscountASP.NET Labs Extended

webmatrix v2 betaI’m happy to announce that our FREE Web Matrix v2 beta hosting sandbox program is extended until March 1, 2012.

The free beta hosting program was originally announced at the Microsoft //BUILD Conference  as part of our DiscountASP.NET Labs program.

It’s completely FREE and open to the public. You do not have to be a DiscountASP.NET customer to take advantage of this program.

You can discuss the beta and post your discoveries or issues in our Web Matrix v2 beta forum.

Meet DiscountASP.NET staff member, Ray

I would like to introduce you to our staff members so you can see who is on the other side of the support tickets and forum posts. Today we have a support staff member who has been with us for almost a year now, Ray.

My name is Ray, and I am a member of the DiscountASP.NET technical support staff.  I was promised booty, bounty, and a pony to work here so I accepted the offer.  😉

But on a more serious note, I graduated UCLA with a Bachelor’s Degree and worked as a systems/network administrator for the UCLA Fowler Museum for over 3 years before I decided to pursue some other interests of mine.  I hold a number of technical certifications from both UCLA and Microsoft and have experience working with different technologies including Microsoft, Novell, and Unix/Linux.  I also have some experience in designing websites and programming in languages such as Pascal, C++, C#, Ruby, and Unix/Linux shell scripting.

My former hobbies included watching anime, attending conventions, and gaming (please don’t mention MMORPG).  My new hobbies include pumping iron at the gym and playing the guitar (acoustic).

My technical interests are Microsoft SQL Server, ASP.NET, and virtualization, and I hope to use all my skills and experience to provide the best technical support to our customers here at DiscountASP.NET

The DiscountASP.NET Swag World Tour

We think it’s important to support the .NET community so we’ve sponsored many events and we’ll continue to help out as much as we can moving forward. At some of these events members of our staff have attend to man a table and meet attendees. And you know, when you work an event you pretty much have to have collateral and giveaways on hand. Getting all that “stuff” organized and created is a whole ordeal in itself but over the past couple of years we’ve got a lot of our stuff distributed out there.

We’ve got a few pictures of some of our swag at different locations taken by our staff. The furthest location from our office has to be the hand screen printed bag on Mt. Fuji in Japan courtesy of Aristotle.
Mt Fuji Japan
Mt. Fuji, Japan

Closer to us – here’s a shot during the ascent of Mt. Ritter in California courtesy of Tony Guido.

mt ritter sierra nevada california
Mt Ritter, California

And, our frisbee traveled to Joshua Tree National Park in California and Acadia National Park in Maine courtesy of yours truly.

Joshua Tree California
Joshua Tree, California
Maine Acadia National Park
Acadia National Park, Maine

It would sure be great if any of you out there can send in your pictures too. Or post them on your blog and send us the link. We’ll try to do occasional posts of the pictures in this here blog. So remember to bring your DiscountASP.NET swag wherever you are and wherever you travel! Happy picture taking, and I’m looking forward to seeing all the locations that we’ve “infiltrated”!