HostingCon is an annual conference/trade show/get-together that brings together a couple thousand people involved in the hosting industry. It’s in San Diego this year, and Takeshi, Mark, Derek and I will be
roaming around looking for trouble attending.
All those geeks and nerds in one place should be something to see. Kind of like Comic-Con, only without the teenaged girls in Sailor Moon costumes. There may be some pale, chubby guys in Sailor Moon costumes, but I can’t guarantee what you’ll see. Most likely a lot of khaki pants and polo shirts with company logos. But that costume has it’s own subtle charm and fan base, after all.
If you spot a DiscountASP.NET badge, grab us and say hello.
You mean we won’t be wearing our khaki pants and polo shirts!?
Great. That was supposed to be a surprise.