How DiscountASP.NET Uses Cloud Computing in Technical Support: RemoteApp

Dmitri GropenAvailability of the applications is important in our Technical Support department. We need the applications to perform tasks that we need to do our job. RemoteApp is the Windows 2012 solution that allows to install Windows applications on the server and deliver those application to the RDP capable clients. The applications are using the resources on the server, but appear as if they are running on the client’s device.

It took me about an hour to install and configure RemoteApp and few more hours to install most of the applications that we use for technical support. Now anyone in the company can open up their favorite browser, go to remote desktop web portal, and launch the applications they need.

If this sounds like something that could be useful to you, these instructions should help you get up and running.

Here is what the Remote Desktop Web Access portal looks like when opened in a browser.


You can install and configure RemoteApp in less then an hour given that you have Windows Server 2012 installed and joined to a domain. Although you can install it on the same physical server, the best is to install it on a Virtual Machine so you can take a snapshot of the VM before installing a new application. To install RemoteApp, please follow the instructions below:

– Click “Manage” in “Server Manager”

– Select “Add Roles and Features” from the drop-down menu


– Click “Next” in “Add Roles and Features Wizard”


– Select the “Remote Desktop Services installation” radio button in “Add Roles and Features Wizard”

– Click “Next” in “Add Roles and Features Wizard”


– Select the “Quick Start” radio button in “Add Roles and Features Wizard”

– Click “Next” in “Add Roles and Features Wizard”


– Select the “Session-based desktop deployment” radio button in “Add Roles and Features Wizard”

– Click “Next” in “Add Roles and Features Wizard”


– Select the server from the “Server Pool” on which you will be installing RD services

– Click the “Next” button in “Add Roles and Features Wizard”


– Select the “Restart the destination server automatically if required” check box in “Add Roles and Features Wizard”

– Click the “Deploy” button in “Add Roles and Features Wizard”


Publishing RemoteApp Programs

– In “Server Manager” navigate to “Remote Desktop Services” / “Collections” / “QuickSessionCollection”

– Under “RemoteApp Programs” section click “Tasks”

– Select “Publish RemoteApp Programs” from the drop-down menu


– Select the applications that you want to publish in “Publish RemoteApp Programs” and click “Next” button.


– Close the “Publish RemoteApp Programs” wizard upon confirmation that your application were published.


Working With Your RemoteApp Applications Remotely

You can access your Remote Desktop Web Portal by typing “” in your web browser, replacing “” with your own host name.

You can ignore the self-signed certificate warning. You can install a trusted certificate later on if you wish.

– Provide the credentials for your domain user at the login prompt and hit the “Sign in” button

AccessRemoteApp01You can now launch and use your applications remotely.


WebFest Global 2013: Mobile, Kardashian, and the Domain Industry Comes Full Circle

Stefanus HadiEarlier in February I attended’s 8th annual 2013 WebFest Global conference (formerly DomainFest). I’ve been going to this conference every year since it started and over the past couple years I noticed that the audience numbers have been declining and the event itself has been becoming less relevant. I have many observations and thoughts to share with you. is one the largest providers of domain parking services with the subsidiary company known as  Since started this conference, it was one of the important conferences for domainers to attend. The speakers brought new insight into the domain business and the business of monetizing domains and the networking was excellent.

However, over the last few years the domain business has changed and you can see part of the result in the renaming of the conference itself from DomainFest to WebFest. The change reflects a change of focus from domains to web sites and that is part of the reason that the conference is not drawing the domainers in mass anymore.

This year’s conference was officially opened by Debra Domeyer who is now the CEO of  In her opening remarks, she emphasized the importance of the mobile web in today’s growth of Internet traffic.  Based on all traffic to the network properties, Domeyer observed mobile traffic increased from an average of 12% in the beginning of 2012 to an average of 18% by the end of 2012.

Domeyer also reported seeing mobile traffic hit a record high of 27% in December 2012 on some properties.  She projected that mobile traffic could reach close to 40% by the end of 2013. That is why some of the content of the conference was focused on the mobile web.

image001 had some unexpected keynoters.  For example, they had a fireside chat with Kim Kardashian. Unfortunately pictures were not permitted during Kim Kardashian’s fireside chat so I couldn’t document it, but Kim shared her early entrepreneurial work and the way she has been leveraging social media to expand her and her sibling’s online businesses.

It was very interesting and Kardashian is a very savvy social media user.  Kardashian is now ranked #10 for the most followers on Twitter and she is also the #1 for Instagram followers. In fact, Instagram was her most favorite social media platform.

Kim also shared that she is now interested in a new type of social media platform known as, a Canadian-based social network for short videos of up to 36 seconds. Of all social media platforms Kardashian has used, she told the audience that Facebook was the most effective for getting a message out to her fans and to potential buyers/customers.

With the exception of the mobile industry panelists, there were actually not many new panelists at this year’s conference as I had heard most of the panelists speak in previous years. But the workshop conducted by Tim Ash has always been one of my favorites.

Ash is one the world’s leading experts in Landing Page Optimization. Do yourself a favor if you are interested in this topic and do a search for Tim Ash in your favorite search engine and check out any of his material that you can find. It’s all good stuff and there is too much for me to write about it here.

In my opinion, I would not consider the mobile industry panelists as “experts in their field” since much of the discussion is still at the early stages of mobile web development.  Those “experts” have very limited data and ideas to share and none of the discussion really related to the domain business.

The dynamics of the domain industry are changing and people are adapting. One of the newest trends coming out of this year’s conference was that more domainers have been developing websites than using monetized parked pages. And interestingly, instead of developing hundreds or thousands of websites, domainers are working on monetizing only a few sites with good domain names which is completely different from their past strategy where domainers monetized thousands of domains using parked pages. It’s gone full circle back to what most website owners have been trying to do for years.

For example, during the first day panel on “Domain Monetization Options Beyond Parking” the panelists said that having only a few sites to work on will help domainers to focus and by using good domains they could generate more money by targeting. And they also said that good content quality will also help to get Google search engine to like their site because it is more relevant.  It would seem that the domainers have come full circle.


Another important trend was that with so many new gTLDs (e.g.; .web, .shop, etc.) coming into the market in 2013 and beyond, experts believe that those new gTLDs will only make the .com domains more valuable than ever.  As more new gTLDs will be saturating the market, some domainers have predicted that the value of .com domains could quadruple in the next few years. Hold on to your good domains, if this turns out to be true.

Finally, this conference has always been known for their parties, and one of my favorite nights of this year’s conference was spending time dining under the wing of space shuttle Endeavour at the California Science Center.  With great food, drinks, and live music, attendees were able to chat with and listen to stories from a real astronaut, Garrett Reisman. Pretty cool.



Will I go next year for the 9th year? It’s going to depend on the agenda and speakers. We’ll see.

Web Tools 2012.2 – Update Your Visual Studio – Listen to the Two Scotts

Michael OssouThe Web Tools 2012.2 update has been  released. You can download it here.

This update is related to the tooling only i.e. Visual Studio and has no impact on the ASP.NET runtime. In addition to some of the things that help you better use the framework such as SignalR and enhancements to WebAPI that include support for OData, significant updates have been made to Visual Studios’ editor with regards to CSS and Javascipt.

Two of the Three Scotts posted in depth about this update. “Serious Scott Guthrie” had this to say. While “Funny Scott Hanselman” wrote this.

Introducing SiteLock Web Site Security – Protect Yourself!

Takeshi Etositelock web site securityI’m happy to announce that we’ve partnered with SiteLock to help protect our customer’s web sites from hackers and other nefarious attackers.

SiteLock delivers a comprehensive web site security service that scans your site to detect vulnerabilities, malware, sql injections, search engine blacklisting, cross-site scripting vulnerabilites, and more.

sitelock-secure-sealThe Basic plan provides a daily malware scan and allows you to display the SiteLock “seal” on your site, but what’s really cool are the Premium and Enterprise plans.

They provide everything the Basic plan does, but in addition, they do daily FTP scanning, automatic malware removal and file change monitoring! If you have been searching for a no-hassle method to protect your site, this is it.


If you’ve looked at SiteLock before and thought it was interesting but perhaps a bit too pricey, we’ve got you covered there. The deal we’ve made allows our SiteLock pricing to be extremely low — starting at only $25 for a full year of Basic coverage! $74 less than buying directly from SiteLock.

We’ve got equally awesome deals on the Premium and Enterprise plans, saving you up to $324. It doesn’t get any better than that.

Log in to Control Panel to sign up for SiteLock today, and sleep better tonight.

HTML 5 WebCam Love

Michael OssouLast week we covered doing time lapse photography with jQuery-WebCam. This time I want to highlight some stuff that’s built into HTML 5.

HTML 5 gives you built in access to devices. There were multiple ways of doing this but I think the world has pretty much settled on WebRTC. Microsoft may complicate this matter a little bit but that’s the actual purpose of IE – to complicate our lives – so we are used to it by now.

So lets take a look:

<video id="videoPlayer" autoplay></video>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {

            var vid = document.getElementById("videoPlayer");

            if(navigator.getUserMedia) { // Standard
                navigator.getUserMedia({ "video": true }, function(stream) {
                    vid.src = stream;
                }, errBack);
            } else if(navigator.webkitGetUserMedia) { // WebKit-prefixed
                navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({ "video": true }, function(stream){
                    vid.src = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream);

The HTML 5 implementation is simple but it is also extremely powerful. To learn more, visit HTML5Rocks. To get straight to the fun, try this, this, or this. For those interested in really pushing things, you’ve gotta see this.

– Michael Ossou

Configuring Eclipse to Connect to DiscountASP.NET Team Foundation Server 2012

Joseph JunSince we launched Team Foundation Server 2012, I’ve been seeing a lot of questions regarding Eclipse and the Team Foundation Server plug-in that range from general configuration to licensing and I thought I’d take some time to get a post up to for clarification. Let me go over the licensing model and then you can continue through the article for the set-up guide.

We formally contacted Microsoft to get clarification on licensing and here’s what we’ve discovered and understood. In a typical in-house environment, in order to use Team Explorer Everywhere, you would need a client access license but in a hosted environment, you need a subscriber access license which is included for every user license that we offer as a services provider. Simply put: Feel free to use Team Explorer Everywhere against our servers without worrying about the licensing.

Now, just to make sure that everything’s covered, I’ll be going over a step-by-step guide on installing and configuring Eclipse on a Windows 7 workstation and for this example, you’ll need to download or install the following:

* Java SE Runtime Environment
* Eclipse Classic

I’d also recommend reviewing the requirements list at MSDN for the Team Foundation Server Plug-in for Eclipse before proceeding.

Let’s go over all of the steps.

1. If it’s not already available on your system, install the Java runtime.

2. Next, extract Eclipse Classic.

3. Launch Eclipse and then go to: Help > Install New Software…

4. From the Install window, click the Add… button.

5. Now, from the Add Repository window, supply the following values and then click the OK button:

* Name: TFS Plug-In
* Location:

6. Make sure that the resource that was just added is select in the Work with drop-down menu, check the Team Foundation Server Plug-in for Eclipse and then click the Next button.

7. Review the items that will be installed and then click the Next button.

8. When you reach the licensing terms, click the Finish button.

9. You should be prompted to restart Eclipse, click Yes.

10. Once Eclipse opens, go to: Windows > Open Perspective > Other…

11. At the Open Perspective window, select Team Foundation Server Exploring and click the OK button to proceed.

12. You’ll see the Team Explorer window available and then click on Connect to Team Foundation Server.

13. You’ll see another license agreement, make sure that you check I have read and accept the terms in the License Agreement and then click the Next button to continue.

14. Click the Add… button from the Add/Remove Team Foundation Server menu.

15. You’ll be taken to the Add Existing Team Project window where you’ll want to click the Servers… button.

16. In the Name or URL of Team Foundation Server field, use: and click the OK button.

17. You’ll be prompted to authenticate and you can use your server credentials.

18. When you return to the Add/Remove Team Foundation Server window, the server should be available and you can click the Close button.

19. Next, at the Add Existing Team Project window, select your Team Project Collection, the Team Projects that you want to connect to and then click Next.

20. At the TFS Workspace step, you can choose to use an existing workspace or create a new one. To avoid any conflicts, I’ll go ahead and click the Add… button to create a new workspace.

21. I’ve created a new workspace called JoeEclipse — you can use any name that you’d like — and then click the Finish button.

22. That’s it! You should be connected and ready to go.


DiscountASP.NET Renews Microsoft Gold Hosting Competency Status

Takeshi Etomicrosoft gold partner - hosting competencyI’m proud to announce that we have successfully renewed our Microsoft Partner Gold Hosting Competency for 2013 by continuing to satisfy the new and more rigorous Microsoft Partner Network requirements. This is our 8th year of maintaining our Microsoft Gold Partner status.

As I described last year, Microsoft introduced a Silver and Gold level to about 30 different competency areas. Hosting is one of the competency specialties and the one that is most relevant to our business so it is the one that we specifically target to earn.

Microsoft has raised the bar significantly to attain the Gold level status over the last couple of years. To earn a Microsoft Gold Competency today, organizations must employ an increased number of Microsoft Certified Professionals who must pass various up-to-date certification exams related to the competency, submit more customer references and demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction by participating in an annual survey and score well. In addition, for this year’s renewal, Microsoft added a Cloud marketing assessment test as well.

Achieving the Gold level status is an investment but we invest in it every year because we believe that it shows our commitment to stay on top of Microsoft-related technologies, helps us maintain a strong relationship with Microsoft, and serves as a big differentiator.

There are many hosts that had earned the Gold Partnership at one time under the old program but have subsequently lost the status due to the changes in the program. So if you want to check our status or anyone else’s for that matter, you can do so at the Microsoft PinPoint site.

jQuery + WebCam = Time Lapse

Michael OssouLet me start off by saying we wont be using this to create a Tom Lowe masterpiece. Nonetheless, TimeLapse photography is pretty cool.

For those not familiar with timelapse, video runs at 30 frames per second. This means there are 30 individual frames taken per second of video. With regard to timelapse, we introduce a delay after each image is taken, thus time seems to go by faster.

I had previously looked into finding software that would allow me to do some TimeLapse stuff using my webcam, but I primarily found commercial products and eventually just gave up. So when I saw Gunnar Piepman’s post regarding the use of a jQuery webcam plugin to snap a photo via webcam, I was pretty excited. With a few changes, we could use it to take a series of images and later convert those images into a movie using VirtualDub.

Here is my first test timelapse:

I have included the complete project here. But I wanted to highlight a few things.

  • Currently only Logitech HD Webcam C525 based webcams are supported.
  • If you plan on using VirtualDub there is a tutorial here on building the timelapse.
  • Keep in mind that VirtualDub requires the files to be numbered in sequential order. 

If you make a timelapse, we would love to see it!