SQL 2012 Reporting Services Available

Takeshi Etosql 2012 reporting services hostingWe’ve gotten a bunch of requests through tickets and surveys, and today we are happy to announce that SQL 2012 Reporting Services is available as a new add-on option.

You can add this service through the control panel – visit the new Reporting Services 2012 section. After its activation, the Reporting Services 2012 section of the control panel will display tools to manage additional SQL Reporting Services users. Also,  the Reporting Services servers are separate from customer website servers and SQL 2012 servers.

We try to keep things simple and predictable so we do not charge a per hour rate for this service. Our pricing for SQL 2012 Reporting Services is the same as our SQL 2008 Reporting Service hosting pricing – that is, $5 per month. 


Kansas City Developer Conference 2013 – Ticket Giveaway!

Calvin WongDiscountASP.NET is proudly sponsoring the Kansas City Developer Conference (KCDC 2013)! The event will be held this year at the Kansas City Convention Center on May 3rd and 4th, with a pre-compiler on the 2nd.

Topics will cover…pretty much everything about software development. And it’s being held just steps away from the Power & Light District.

Breakfast and lunch will be served each day, and you’ll get free parking. Unfortunately, renting the KC Convention Center doesn’t come cheap, so admission is $100 this year. But you don’t have to worry about that… Well, at least two of you don’t, because we’re giving away two free tickets! Check out this Google+ post to get your free ticket.

(Hurry. We only have two. Go to that link now. If you read up to here, you’re probably already too late.)

OK, if you missed the giveaway, but are still planning to attend, here’s a promotional code for DiscountASP.NET customers to get 10% off their registration: DISCASP10

RavenDB And Shared Hosting

Michael OssouNoSQL databases have gotten a lot of attention recently. This is primarily due to them being seen as scalable, great for working with documents, and generally a good option for people that have a huge amount of non-relational data. Think Twitter. Twitter is a great example of a service where a NoSQL solution can really shine. They have an enormous amount of data that isn’t very relational.

In the ASP.NET world, RavenDB is a popular option. For those of you brave enough to take the NoSQL plunge, I wanted to guide you through getting started and mention a few things. RavenDB can run in many modes.

The one we are concerned with when it comes to running it on a shared hosting account is Embedded Mode. This essentially embeds the RavenDB goodness into your application and will work on a shared hosting account. In fact, there is even a nuget package that you can use to drop it into your project.

Embedded mode even contains an HTTP server. However, this option will not work in a shared hosting account. So do not set:

UseEmbeddedHttpServer = true

Your best option would probably be to add something like this to your code:

UseEmbeddedHttpServer = true;

That way you could change your build type for either working locally or for production when you publish. For those looking for a fantastic tutorial and sample application, look no further than here.

What The F?

Michael PhillipsYou may have seen a headline like this in the news last week; “The Better Business Bureau said Tuesday that it expelled the Los Angeles chapter after an investigation into an apparent pay-to-play scandal.”

Well, we could have told you that was going on.

Until recently, if you checked the BBB web site for DiscountASP.NET you would have seen this:


An F rating, even though we had only six complaints from some 70,000 customers over a period of seven years, and we responded to five of those six complaints using the BBB “guidelines.”

Naturally I was curious as to how this could be, so I called the Better Business Bureau to find out. The friendly woman who answered the phone asked if we were “accredited.” When I said we were not, she said, “You should consider it. Accredited business generally receive higher rankings.”

That sounded like an outright and unabashed admission of a “pay to play” scam, which surprised me, so I asked for clarification. “So you’re saying if we pay for accreditation you can make the ‘F’ into an ‘A’?

“Well, I can’t guarantee that,” chuckle, chuckle, “but if you were accredited you would be able to speak directly with an account manager, and they can usually clear up any problems you may be having, such as a low rating.”

I thanked her, hung up and thought, “So the Better Business Bureau gives us an F unless we pay? Well, F the Better Business Bureau!

Now the news comes out that there has been a “pay-to-play scandal” that’s been talked about for years. It sounds like it may have been one of the worst kept secrets in Los Angeles. But apparently a lot of businesses played ball with the BBB because the cost of “accreditation” was only a few hundred dollars a year. I’m sure many of them simply considered it a cost of doing business.

We’re funny around here though, and those kinds of things rub us the wrong way. We don’t pay extortion money to RBLs or business bureaus. It’s a slippery slope that we choose not to go down. Nothing against anyone who did pay the Los Angeles BBB for a rating. Hey, it’s understandable.

But the Better Business Bureau is a holdover from a time when people couldn’t readily speak to each other about their experience with a business. The BBB has effectively been rendered obsolete by 1001 different rating and ranking sites. Not that those sites are necessarily any more objective (and many of them are “pay-to-play” as well), but the BBB just seems like a quaint, dusty old institution these days.

I just checked the BBB web site to see what kind of rating we had in light of the recent excommunication of the Los Angeles chapter and found this:


We’ll see what happens from here, but you may want to think twice before putting too much stock into ratings from places like the Better Business Bureau. You never know what they really mean.

How to use Request Filtering to Prevent SQL Injections

Martin OrtegaIn this tutorial we will be showing you how to use Request Filtering in IIS to Prevent SQL Injections. We previously did a tutorial called, “How to block bots and spiders with Request Filtering,” and we will touch on a lot of the same concepts here.

Please note that these instructions only apply to our Windows 2008 IIS 7 & Windows 2012 IIS 8 Servers.

First, you will need to make a connection to your site using IIS Manager. Please read our knowledge base article on How to connect to the server using the Microsoft IIS Manager.

Once connected:

Double click the Request Filtering module in IIS Manager.

Request Filtering box

Now click the URL icon in the Request Filtering module.

Request Filtering URL icon

Next click Deny Sequence… in the “Actions” section.

In this example we’ll be blocking the common SQL Injection term “varchar” so enter this in the Deny Sequence box and click OK.

Deny Sequence boxSo now when someone tries to enter “varchar” into your site’s URL, they will receive the follow error message from the server:

HTTP Error 404.5 - Not Found

There are a number of other terms that you can also use. Here are some terms you may wish to add to the Deny Sequence rules for your site account as well:

  • @@version
  • char
  • exec
  • execute
  • declare
  • cast

So now when anyone tries to enter any of the above terms into your URL Sequence, they will receive the HTTP Error 404.5 – Not Found error message from the server.

Be Warned! If your site currently uses any of the terms that you deny, you will receive the HTTP Error 404.5 message too. So choose your terms wisely to prevent any issues with your site.

      <filteringRule name="SQLInjection" scanUrl="false" scanQueryString="true">
            <clear />
            <add fileExtension=".asp" />
            <add fileExtension=".aspx" />
            <add fileExtension=".php" />
            <clear />
            <add string="--" />
            <add string=";" />
            <add string="/*" />
            <add string="@" />
            <add string="char" />
            <add string="alter" />
            <add string="begin" />
            <add string="cast" />
            <add string="create" />
            <add string="cursor" />
            <add string="declare" />
            <add string="delete" />
            <add string="drop" />
            <add string="end" />
            <add string="exec" />
            <add string="fetch" />
            <add string="insert" />
            <add string="kill" />
            <add string="open" />
            <add string="select" />
            <add string="sys" />
            <add string="table" />
            <add string="update" />
            <clear />

How to Find SQL Injections Using Your HTTP Logs

Martin OrtegaIn this tutorial I’m going to show how to check your HTTP logs for a site account in order to find those nasty SQL Injections.

Let’s get started!

In order to complete this task, please make sure you have enabled raw logs for your hosting account by reading our knowledge base article: How do I access the raw log files?

If the SQL Injection happens before enabling the raw log files, then you wont be able to find the SQL Injection since the HTTP logs won’t be provided until the next day, and the past HTTP logs for your site account won’t be available. You may need to Contact Support and ask them if they can provide you with the HTTP logs in order to investigate an SQL Injection.

Please be sure to provide them with the dates of the HTTP logs you wish to access. Also, remember that support won’t have any HTTP logs that are more than 30 days old. If the Injection happened more than 30 days previous, no record HTTP logs will be available for your hosting account.

We’re going to need a special tool to help investigate

To help you search out the SQL Injection from your HTTP Logs, you’re going to need to use a tool called BareGrep. This tool can be downloaded here. Make sure you click on the “Free Version” link (if you like it and think you will put it to good use, consider purchasing the software). It’s a cool little tool because it’s not required to be installed on the computer and just runs off the .exe file.

Time to get down and dirty!

The awesome part about BareGrep it allows you to drag and drop multiple text files into it. This means if you’re not exactly sure of the exact date the injection happened, you can search multiple text files all in one shot.

Open BareGrep and select the text files that you wish to search. Now drag and drop the files into BareGrep’s grey area.


Let’s find those nasty SQL Injections!

We’re going to use a keyword search to find is the line in the HTTP logs where the SQL Injection occurred.

These are the keywords I like to use in BareGrep (feel free to add some of your own):

  • – –  (that’s two dashes)
  • @@version
  • varchar
  • char
  • exec
  • execute
  • declare
  • cast

Now it’s time to enter each of the keywords one at a time into BareGrep’s text field.


Hey! Hey! Hey! We found something!

Now let’s select the lines in BareGrep and see what we can find. Once selected, copy and paste the lines into an empty Notepad document.


You should get a few lines like the following HTTP line below. I know it looks nasty but let me try to explain what certain things are.

ex121209.log    414    2012-12-09 13:17:34 W3SVC100000 WEB151 GET /search.aspx home=177&id=1%27%20or%201=@@version-- 80 - HTTP/1.0 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+Synapse) - - www.yourhosteddomainname.com 500 0 0 7639 354 531

This part of the line is stating the date and time (PacificTime) the SQL Injection happened.

2012-12-09 13:17:34

The other part is the web server and IP address.


The following is interesting because it tells you exactly what page it was that was vulnerable to the SQL Injection. This will also give you a clue on what you will need to patch up on your site to prevent it from happening again.

GET /search.aspx

The other part is what they entered in their web browser when trying to check if a SQL Injection vulnerability is possible. If there is vulnerability this code displays an error message along with the SQL database version. This means that the SQL database is answering to the hacker and it’s a dead giveaway that the web application is vulnerable to a SQL Injection.


Here comes the best part of the HTTP log, the hacker’s IP address! The example here belongs to Google’s DNS, but this is where the hacker’s IP address will be located in the HTTP logs. Please remember that most people will hide their real IP address and it doesn’t mean that the IP really belongs to the hacker. The evil person could have been using a network that doesn’t belong to them. Most likely a proxy service they like using to hide behind.

Cool thing about this is that if you’re on an IIS 8 or IIS 7 account, you have the ability to block IP addresses using IIS Manager. Please read our knowledge base article on How to connect to the server using the Microsoft IIS Manager.

If you’re on a IIS 6 server you will need to contact our support department. Ask them to block an IP address for you and provide them with the IP you wish to block.

Okay, so you know how they checked for the vulnerability in your application. Where can you find the injection that changed all of your table fields?

For this you will need to keep looking in the HTTP logs. What I like to do next is enter the hacker’s IP address into BareGrep and see all the Injections the hacker used. It will also show you the other parts of your site that the person visited.

What you will need to look for is the following in the HTTP log. This piece of code in the log will be followed by a bunch of numbers and charters. This friends, is where the tables got inserted with the malicious URLs/text to one of your tables on the SQL database. This also means that the page “/search.aspx” is vulnerable to the SQL Injection.

/search.aspx id=10+declare+@s+varchar(8000)+set+@s=cast

Okay, so now you’re ready to prevent the SQL injections from happening on your site.

I have referred people to the following articles in order to prevent a SQL injection from happening again. I really hope this helps you guys and we can see an end to these stinky SQL Injections.

Filtering SQL injection from Classic ASP

Filtering for SQL Injection on IIS 7 and later

Blocking SQL injection using IIS URL Rewrite

.co.uk Domain Registration Available

Takeshi Eto .co.uk domain nameWe added domain registration for .co.uk domains and you can select this option now in our online order form.

The pricing is $15 per year – the same as the other domain extensions that we register.

Changes to the .co.uk domain registration requirements have made it possible for us to add this domain extension. We know it’s something that our UK customers have been asking for, and we’re glad to be able to offer it.