
TFS Proxy Service Officially Launched with Better than Awesome Pricing

Earlier in May we introduced TFS Proxy Servers as a beta service and Joe posted an Introduction to Proxy Servers.

Today, we are excited to announce the official launch of our TFS Proxy Sever service – and – wait for it – we are offering this service for FREE! Learn more on our web site.

But that’s not all. We are also going to light up a new TFS Proxy locations for you: USA East Coast. So as of today, we offer four hosted TFS Proxy Server locations around the globe: USA West Coast, USA East Coast, Europe and Asia.

Globally dispersed developer teams are a growing trend and we are seeing this first hand with our TFS hosting service. So we hope that our TFS Proxy service will help improve productivity for our customer’s development teams.

If you have TFS hosting users that are located far from our US or UK-based data centers, you can speed up your work by using TFS Proxy Servers. If you want to get some numbers around the differences with and without TFS Proxy, Joe demonstrated how TFS Proxy speeds up connectivity translating to increased productivity.

You can enable TFS Proxy service from your TFS Control Panel in the TFS Proxy section.


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