See you at the Microsoft //BUILD conference?

Microsoft //BUILD ConferenceThe Microsoft //BUILD conference is coming up September 13-16  in Anaheim, California which is our neck of the woods, so I plan on being there.

Not much has been discussed publicly about the conference (and at the time I wrote this post) I don’t even see any session information on the //BUILD conference web site) so it will be quite interesting to check it out what is coming vNEXT.

We all know for one thing that the conference will be heavy with Windows 8 and Windows Phone 7 topics. But what else? Microsoft just released the developer beta for Silverlight 5 RC so I’m sure that will be discussed but everyone is interested to hear about the future of Silverlight. And I’m sure we are in store for some other announcements. Can’t wait to learn about what we will be hosting in the future….

For any customers, partners, vendors, user group leaders, or just curious developers attending //BUILD, if you see a DiscountASP.NET badge or bag, just stop me and say hello.

AgileDC 2011 – Washington DC, are you ready to get Agile?

Late last year, we launched our Team Foundation Server hosting and we have been absolutely thrilled with the positive feedback that our TFS hosting services has received.   More importantly, with our hosted TFS solution, TFS development teams are able to work with Agile and adopt an Agile approach.  The interest in Agile software development continues to grow and DiscountASP.NET definitely wants to be a contributor to the Agile community.

As part of our contribution, DiscountASP.NET is now sponsoring various TFS user groups and Agile events.  One Agile event that we are sponsoring is AgileDC, which is scheduled to take place on October 26, 2011 at the Kellogg Conference Hotel in Washington DC. At AgileDC, Agile experts and practitioners will explain how software developers can boost their agile technical skills. There will be a variety of tracks covering topics like Agile Engineering Practices, Agile in Government, Enterprise Agile, Agile & Business and yes there is an Introduction to Agile Development as well.

The cost to attend AgileDC is $125 but Manoj Vadakkan from AgileDC has been kind enough to provide us with a discount code that will give our customers a 15% discount.  Simply enter the promo code AgileDCSponsorDASPGuest on the AgileDC registration page and the 15% discount will be applied.  If you are located in the DC area and wish to learn how you can adopt an Agile methodology for your development team, then you should check out this event.

Lastly, if you are involved in any Agile events then please let us know about it as we would be happy to help.

Vote for DiscountASP.NET in the 2011 DevProConnections Community Choice Awards

DiscountASP.NET has been nominated in the 2011 DevProConnections Community Choice Awards and we need your vote.

Unlike in past years where we were nominated in one category, this year we have been nominated in two categories.  Our ASP.NET web hosting service has been nominated in the “Hosting Service” Category and our hosted Team Foundation Server solution has been nominated in the “Project Management/Defect Tracking” category.

We would greatly appreciate it and be eternally thankful if you could take a moment to show your support by voting for us. You can vote for DiscountASP.NET Hosting at the top of page 2, using the drop down menu under “Hosting Service” #13, and for DiscountASP.NET TFS Hosting in the middle of page 2, under “Project Management/Defect Tracking” #19.   Also, you can vote for your favorite components, applications, editors, resources, etc.   To vote, click here.

Voting ends on September 7, 2011.

Oh and if we win, beers are on Takeshi!

Using Git with Visual Studio 2010, an introduction

After taking point for our Team Foundation Server hosting service, it’s been a very busy past 10 months as I’ve been involved in:

One of the luxuries that I’ve also been afforded is some time to play around with other technologies involved in the ALM process beyond Team Foundation Server itself. In the past few months, I’ve spent a considerable amount of time working with Git and I thought I’d take a moment to share some information from the perspective of someone who has been using Visual Studio 2010 exclusively.

Doing some work from the command-line isn’t a foreign concept to me but after having spent so much time getting used to working from Visual Studio directly, there was a bit of a learning curve involved because I’ll admit it, I’m a “clicker.”

If you’re moving into Git or it’s been something that you’ve been considering but think there’s a high learning curve involved, understanding and using the command-line is absolutely essential, however, there are ways to have a normal workflow using Git and Visual Studio 2010.

I won’t be taking an in-depth look at Git but I’ll be focusing on simplifying things a bit by using Git Extensions and Git Source Control Provider.

Git Extensions offers a GUI that you can work with while you become accustomed to using the command-line and Git Source Control Provider is a plug-in for Visual Studio that includes functionality and features in the Solution Explorer that you’re probably used to.

First, download and install Git Extensions.

Next, you’ll need to pick up Git Source Control Provider at CodePlex for Visual Studio 201 and run the GitSccProvider.vsix to install the plug-in or access the Extension Manager from the Tools menu and install Git Source Control Provider.

Once you’ve completed the installations, launch Visual Studio 2010 and then change the source control plug-in by opening the Tools menu and selecting the Options menu item. Check the “Show all settings” box, select the “Source Control” option and set the plug-in to “Git Source Control Provider.”

While you have the Options window open, click on the “Git Source Control Provider Options” to make sure that the paths are set properly.

I’ll be creating a new Web Application Project but you can use an existing Project. Right-click on the Project name and then click on the “Git – New Repository” menu item.

You can open the Project folder through Windows Explorer to make sure that everything’s been created properly.

You should see something that’s familiar in the Solution Explorer since you’re probably used to see yellow plus symbols to denote that there are new files.

Since I’m working on a new Project, I’ll commit the new files by using the “Git – Pending Changes…” option.

All of the files that have been committed have a green check mark next to them.

I’ve added a new file and made a change to an existing file and the markers are very easy to understand.

I’ll commit the pending changes.

To define a main repository and push your work, just right-click on your Project name from the Solution Explorer, run your mouse over “Git (master)” and then select the “Push” option.

I hope that the information helps as this is the same method that I’ve taken to get used to the Git command-line commands while working at the same time.

Cloud Services Brokerages: The New ASP?

At HostingCon, I attended a session entitled “How Not Just to Survive but Thrive in the Evolving Hosting Marketplace in Cloudy World.” One of the speakers mentioned the projected growth of a new line of business in the future, Cloud Services Brokerages – that is, from my understanding,  companies who are essentially Cloud service aggregators. And sure enough, if you do look on the 2011 Gartner Hype Cycle for Cloud Computing, you will see Cloud Services Brokerages making its way up the Hype curve toward the Hype peak and projected to mature in 5-10 years.

My initial thought about this new Cloud business sector immediately headed to the past. Remember when all the  excitement was around Application Service Providers (ASP) ?  Back then with so many ASPs coming into the market, there was the rise of ASP aggregators – those companies that aggregated different hosted application services together in one spot. ASP aggregators were all the rage – fresh with loads of venture capital funding and commanding high valuation. But what happened to them? They failed.

It would seem that the cycle is beginning again – this time with a new Cloud umbrella. With the splintering of Cloud Computing into 30 or so different categories as depicted in the 2011 Gartner Hype Cycle, and with each category most likely being  filled by many players – I am sure we will see the rise of hype around Cloud Services Brokerages – those companies that will claim to make Cloud adoption easy by being  a one stop shop for Cloud services.

For me, I don’t think it’s good enough just to be a “one-stop shopping” aggregator. Rather, the business needs to add value on top of all their partnerships.

In the first HostingCon keynote entitled, “Situation Normal, Everything Must Change”, Simon Wardley stressed the importance of ecosystems. In my opinion, if a cloud business is going to be an aggregator/broker, the only path is to make it easier to plug into a specific ecosystem – to be an ecosystem enabler (hey, isn’t that a niche play?).

We shall see how these Cloud Services Brokerages fare. With technology pushing forward at an ever accelerating pace, the next 5 years is going to be exciting.

Takeshi Eto
VP Marketing and Business Development

SQL source control, Team Foundation Server and deep fried chick peas. What more could you possibly need?

Our friends at Falafel Software (why do I always feel hungry when I talk about them?) published a video earlier this month that demonstrates SQL Source Control using Red Gate (for which our own Joe Jun also provides a tutorial).

Their demo was done on a DiscountASP.NET TFS account, so I thought the curious and impetuous among you may feel compelled to take a look at it. I know I was. So here you go:

And remember….DiscountASP.NET customers get 20% off on redgate SQL Source Control! (Offer expires Sept 30, 2011).

You can also get 10% off on Falafel Software’s Sitefinity CMS training. The great deals keep coming, so take advantage of them now.