
Scott Hanselman at both the Dallas Day of .NET & Nebraska Code Camp

This weekend there are two kick ass developer events that DiscountASP.NET is proud to sponsor, but even better, the Microsoft-famous Scott Hanselman will be giving the keynote at both!

The first event is the Dallas Day of .NET.  Don’t be fooled by the name, the Dallas Day of .NET is actually a TWO day event taking place on March 9, 2012 and March 10, 2012.  Scott will be giving the opening day keynote and is also scheduled to present at a session titled “Making Your Blog Suck Less”.  I can tell you that the first step to making your blog suck less is to host it at DiscountASP.NET (duh!).  The Dallas Day of .NET was sold out; however, they have just re-opened registration so you can sign up now.

Further up the road, the Nebraska Code Camp 2.0 will be held on Saturday, March 10, 2012 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the keynote speaker will be none other than…Scott Hanselman!  Scott will be in Dallas on March 9 and on March 10 will be in Lincoln, Nebraska.  In addition to the Hanselman led keynote, there will be tons of other sessions ranging from .NET development to developing phone apps.  There will also be an after party at Lazlo’s in the Haymarket.  Code Camps are always free but you do need to register.

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