Pittsburgh Code Camp – October 16, 2010

Tomorrow, the Pittsburgh .NET Users Group will be holding the Pittsburgh Code Camp at the University of Pittsburgh.  This one day FREE event helps promote software development throughout the Pittsburgh community and is a great learning experience for developers of all levels.

Currently, there are over 30 sessions scheduled that will cover a wide array of topics such as Silverlight/WPF, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET, Windows 7 and more.   Like all code camps, there will be raffle giveaways and at the end of the Pittsburgh Code Camp, there is a happy hour so attendees will have a chance to network.

We here at DiscountASP.NET encourage all developers to support their local .NET User Groups and Code Camps.  If you live in the Pittsburgh area, then we recommend you stop by and check out the Pittsburgh Code Camp as it is FREE to attend but you do have to register.  For registration info please visit:  http://codecamppgh.com/EventRegistration.aspx

Introducing Team Foundation Server Hosting at DiscountASP.NET

Since the day we started DiscountASP.NET our mission has been to offer innovative and cutting-edge hosting solutions for the ASP.NET developer. We have been carrying out this mission with our award winning Windows web hosting services for the past 7 years.

Today we are expanding beyond web site hosting and  introducing a new Software-as-a-Service solution for source code version control and bug/issue tracking that integrates with Visual Studio.

I am extremely excited to announce – Team Foundation Server Hosting at DiscountASP.NET.

Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 is a collaboration platform that is at the core of Microsoft’s application lifecycle management solution. With DiscountASP.NET’s hosted TFS solution, Microsoft developers can use familiar Visual Studio development tools to manage source control and track bugs, whether the developer works alone or in a team of hundreds.

TFS Hosting is separate from our web hosting service. So you do not have to be a DiscountASP.NET web hosting customer to get TFS Hosting.

To kick off the launch of TFS Hosting, we are offering our current web hosting customers a FREE 30 Day Trial with No Setup Fee deal  for a limited time to try out Team Foundation Server. DiscountASP.NET customers can get more information about this special launch deal through their hosting Control Panel Marketplace.

Takeshi Eto
VP Marketing and Business Development

More Code Camps! Silicon Valley Code Camp – THIS WEEKEND – October 9th & 10th, 2010

The west coast’s largest code camp returns this weekend to Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, CA.  Last year, the Silicon Valley Code Camp had over 1,000 attendees with over 140 sessions and this year the two day event is on track to be even bigger.

Like all code camps, the Silicon Valley Code Camp is FREE and currently there are 197 sessions organized into different tracks such as Agile Development, Cloud Computing, Web Services, Widows Phone 7 and many more.   Each session is approximately 75 minutes with lots of Q&A time and hands on demos or exercises.   The Silicon Valley Code Camp is not only limited to just presentations.   Attendees can also expect to network with other developers/IT professionals (there already over 2,000 registrants) and of course FREE coffee and food will be made available throughout the day.

As mentioned, attendance is FREE, but space is limited, so if you are interested in attending the largest code camp on the west coast, please visit:  http://siliconvalley-codecamp.com/Register.aspx

More Code Camps! Silicon Valley Code Camp – THIS WEEKEND – October 9th & 10th, 2010

The west coast’s largest code camp returns this weekend to Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, CA.  Last year, the Silicon Valley Code Camp had over 1,000 attendees with over 140 sessions and this year the two day event is on track to be even bigger.

Like all code camps, the Silicon Valley Code Camp is FREE and currently there are 197 sessions organized into different tracks such as Agile Development, Cloud Computing, Web Services, Widows Phone 7 and many more.   Each session is approximately 75 minutes with lots of Q&A time and hands on demos or exercises.   The Silicon Valley Code Camp is not only limited to just presentations.   Attendees can also expect to network with other developers/IT professionals (there already over 2,000 registrants) and of course FREE coffee and food will be made available throughout the day.

As mentioned, attendance is FREE, but space is limited, so if you are interested in attending the largest code camp on the west coast, please visit:  http://siliconvalley-codecamp.com/Register.aspx

Houston TechFest – THIS SATURDAY – October 9, 2010

This Saturday, the 4th annual Houston TechFest will be held at the University of Houston.  The Houston Tech Fest is the premier technical event in the Houston area and it is FREE!  The focus is to bring technology experts and IT professionals together to discuss current and future technologies.  Last year, the Houston TechFest had over 800 IT professionals attend over 60 sessions of technical presentations.  This year’s turnout is expected to exceed 1,000 people attending over 80 presentations and this year’s keynote speaker is Venkat Subramaniam, the found of Agile Developer, Inc.

In addition to the various presentations going on, there will be recruiters present so attendees are encouraged to bring their resumes.  Also, some lucky attendees will be able to win free prizes donated by companies such as Microsoft, Telerik, JetBrains, New Horizons, Aspose Software, to a new name just a few.  Last but not least, lunch is provided to all registered attendees.

As mentioned it is absolutely FREE to register for the Houston TechFest.  You can register at:  http://houstontechfest.com/dotnetnuke/Home/tabid/37/ctl/Register/Default.aspx

ASP.NET Security Vulnerability and What To Do About It

Microsoft announced a serious security vulnerability in ASP.NET that allows an attacker to gain unauthorized access to files within your web site, including the web.config file which can contain sensitive information such as database login.

You can review the technical details of this vulnerability on Scott Guthrie’s blog:

Since Microsoft has not released a patch for this problem, we recommend that our customers do the following:

  • Update your web application with the workaround recommended in the above posts and enable <customErrors>
  • Encrypt your web.config file as recommended by Scott Guthrie for best practices in this FAQ. We describe how to encrypt your web.config file in this Knowledge Base article.

Microsoft has also created a forum on the ASP.net site to field questions about this security vulnerability.

Frank Cheung

Windows Phone 7 Beta Customer API Project – WP7 Control Panel Starter Kit

Windows Phone 7
DiscountASP.NET Windows Phone 7 Starter Kit

Last week we released the Silverlight Control Panel Starter Kit. This week, I’m following up with a Windows Phone 7 version. Just as with the last release, this proof of concept is intended as a starter kit for our customers. We welcome you to use it as a starting point to build your own Windows Phone 7 control panel. We also hope you can provide us with some feedback.

The first thing you are going to need is the Developer Tools. Most of you will be running this inside of a VM as I elected to do. While this is great as it doesn’t alter anything in your desktop environment, you may experience slowness and application sluggishness. This is a result of running the emulator within the VM, as the emulator itself is a VM. In the office we are calling this the “Inception effect,” as running a VM within a VM can lead to instability.

Outside of delays and slow response, you might have to try to launch the application a few different times from within the emulator itself. But once it’s running, it has been fairly stable.

I also recommend that you hard code your API key and database name into the application. The best place to do this would be in the mainpage.xaml. Simply replace the default text of the textbox to your own values.

The lines I am referring to are:

<TextBox x:Name="TbApiKey" TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="0,31,0,0" d:LayoutOverrides="Height" FontSize="10.667" Text="HARD CODE YOUR API HERE FOR SIMPLICITY" FontWeight="Bold"/>


<TextBox x:Name="TbSqlDb" TextWrapping="Wrap" Margin="0,31,0,0" d:LayoutOverrides="Height" FontSize="21.333" Text="HARD CODE DATABASE NAME HERE"/>

The complete project folder is available here.

– Michael Ossou

Silverlight 4 Customer API Project – Silverlight Control Panel Starter Kit

For those of you who don’t know, we offer an API for our customers to use. We expose enough methods to allow you to pretty much do anything you want. Some of the more popular include:

–    Ability to recycle application pool as well as Start/Stop IIS
–    Backup SQL database
–    Create/Delete email addresses and email aliases
–    Get usage information for SQL, Diskspace, Email

You can get can see a complete list of methods here.

DiscountASP.NET Customer API - Silverlight 4 Project
IIS Screen

Even though some of you may not have a need for our API, it’s still a great way to test out something else your working on. For example, I started a Silverlight project that uses the API to create a scaled down version of our control panel. I thought it would be a good idea to make the project available to our customers and let them use it and turn it into whatever they want – make it an open source project of sorts.

You can download the project here.

One thing to note is that you are going to need to enable access to the DiscountASP.NET API. This can be done via the Customer API section of your control panel. You can also get your API key there. You will also need to make sure you have the Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio if you don’t already. As well as the Silverlight 4 Developer Runtime. Some of you may also want the Expression Blend SDK if you do not have expression blend installed on your computer