
Oxite Works on DiscountASP.NET

Oxite is a new open source, standards compliant, and extensible content management sample that can run blogs to big web sites. This blog engine is written using ASP.NET MVC and is currently in alpha release. Oxite is currently being used to run the MIX Online web site.

We tested Oxite on the DiscountASP.NET web servers and we got it to work in the root folder. You can download Oxite from the CodePlex Project site.

Here are some installation guidelines that worked for us.

  1. Build the Oxite solution in Visual Studio 2008.
  2. Open the OxiteSite\web.config, and update the connection string to your DiscountASP.NET SQL 2008 database.  Also, update the site host name to your site’s URL.
  3. Copy the MVC Beta assembly to the OxiteSite\bin.  The assembly is located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC Beta\Assemblies\System.Web.Mvc.dll on your computer.
  4. Upload the contents of the OxiteSite to your site’s root.
  5. Login to your DiscountASP.NET control panel and attach the \App_Data\Oxite.Database.mdf to your SQL 2008 database.
  6. If you are on a Windows 2003/IIS6 server, contact DiscountASP.NET support to have the ASP.NET wildcard mapping added.

Aristotle de la Cruz

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