
Now user.ini gives you control over php settings for your site

Often someone coming from a *nix/Apache background will ask us why their php.ini files aren’t having any effect on their site. The problem is php.ini doesn’t work on IIS/Windows servers.

But we’ve made a change to the Windows 2008/IIS 7 servers that allows you to upload your own user.ini file, in order to specify php settings for your account.

If you’ve used a php.ini file on a *nix server, this is the same idea. Just create a text file named user.ini in the root of your account. The file can include php settings such as:

display_errors = On
max_execution_time = 500

These settings will be changed for your site only. While most of these settings are safe to change, the user.ini file does give you a lot of control over how php works for your site, so use your best judgement as to what you want to change change.

If you make a change that causes problems with your site, simply remove the line(s) causing trouble and re-upload the file. There is a five minute server cache for user.ini changes, so you may not see your changes until a few minutes after uploading.

Again, this is only for IIS 7 servers. If you are still on IIS 6, you can migrate your site to IIS 7 in Control Panel.

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