
Google’s Mobile-First Deadline: What You Need to Know

Google’s mobile-first indexing shift is finally here. After July 5, 2024, sites that don’t work on mobile devices will be removed from Google’s search index.

Here’s what you need to know to keep your DiscountASP.NET-hosted applications visible in Google search results.

In the past, mobile accessibility was a good idea. Now, it’s mandatory. If your site doesn’t load or render on mobile, Google will treat it as if it doesn’t exist. This doesn’t mean you have to abandon desktop-centric designs, but your site needs to work on mobile devices. If you’re maintaining an older site, check out how it loads on your phone’s browser. If it doesn’t work, you need to take action. Your goal is to make sure your site is mobile-friendly.

Google has announced that they will still use the Googlebot Desktop crawler for product listings and job sites. So if you develop e-commerce solutions or job boards, you’ll still see Googlebot Desktop crawler in your server logs. Make sure your user agent detection takes this into account.

Google set a hard deadline and is enforcing it: mobile accessibility is now required for search engine indexing. You need to make sure your DiscountASP.NET-hosted sites work on mobile devices. With some technical work now, you can keep your sites visible in search results.

Visit DiscountASP.NET to learn more about our ASP.NET hosting services .

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