
Free ASP.NET 4.5.1 Sandbox Hosting in DiscountASP.NET Labs

There are only a handful of blog posts that I truly get excited about writing and they are always related to the same thing. The next version of ASP.NET.

It’s that time again and Microsoft recently announced ASP.NET 4.5.1. We all know the release cadences for various products that revolve around ASP.NET are starting to change and come more often, but this is the one everybody waits for.

Well it’s here and we are excited to offer a free Beta sandbox for everyone to try. Most of you know we are a fan of doing these open Beta programs because we want to support the ASP.NET community. So there is no need to wait for the mound of good-ness that is ASP.NET 4.5.1 because we have a Windows 2012 R2 sandbox waiting for you.

To sign up head on over to our DiscountASP.NET Labs Site at

You can see the complete feature list in the link above and its a home run. The two things I’m personally most excited about are Async Aware Debugging and App Suspension.

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