First off there are a number of performance improvements specifically related to ASP.NET hosting. So out of the box, this version of the runtime should provide performance improvements. Thats always good news. One of the primary improvements is the introduction of Multi-Core JIT compilation. This means an uncompiled application will spool up much faster the first time it is run. With that out the way, lets look at some specific features and why we like them.
Asynchronous Improvements
We can now asychronously Read and Write HTTP Requests and Responses. HttpRequest.GetBufferlessInputStream now has BeginRead and EndRead methods. Conversely, HttpResponse now has BeginFlush and EndFlush Methods. Additionally, there is now support for await and Task-Based Asynchronous Modules and Handlers.
Request Validation
Out of the box, the popular AntiXSS library is included. We also gain support for “lazy” validation. Previously when request validation was invoked, everything in the collection was validated. With “lazy” validation, only the item specified will be validated.
WebSocket Support
With all the buzz regarding HTML 5 lately, one of the most talked about features is WebSockets. ASP.NET 4.5 includes the System.Web.WebSockets namespace that will allow for asynchronous communication with WebSocket objects.
Bundling & Minifiaction
Bundling allows you to point to a folder and “bundle” a group of files. This is useful for javascript and CSS files. Additionally, Minification is the process of condensing CSS and javascript files into smaller versions. This is done by removing white space and refactoring the code. For example, it is common to use variable names that we can read and understand. However computers, dont need such descriptive names. Minification would condense the the variable name down to a single character.
What features are you looking forward to in the ASP.NET 4.5 release?