Can you keep a secret?

Michael PhillipsI know, it’s been quiet around these parts for a few weeks. It isn’t because we’ve suddenly lost interest in writing or ran out of things to talk about. That will never happen because we’re full of it. I mean, full of ideas!

It’s been a little slow on the blog front because a lot of us have been involved in preparing for a significant beta launch. “Oh yeah?” I hear you wondering, “Like what?

woman telling secretLike…like I can’t tell you yet.

How’s that for anticlimax?

What I can tell you is this new project has been more than a year in the making, and it’s going to make a lot of you very, very happy, because it will make your life easier. Your development life anyway. We can’t help with the messy real-world bits. Yet, anyway.

So stay tuned. The coming weeks and months are going to be interesting.

7 thoughts on “Can you keep a secret?

  1. Can you give us a hint? We’re really hoping for cpu/ram/space/host-sizing options, or in the best case, some dynamically adjustable accounts to increase/decrease resources on-demand (elasticity).

    Maybe that’s hoping for too much, but we’re keeping our fingers crossed. We’re looking for that happy place between basic hosting and azure.

    Thanks as always for the great hosting guys!

  2. Any news on this? It’s been more than a month since this post about a “significant beta launch”….

  3. Yes, some news would be great! We’ve grown to a size where we have to make some decisions and would love to include your future offerings in our decision path. And we’ve had such great support from DASP that it plays heavily into our these decisions (ie. we want to stay, we just need room to grow.)
    -Thanks guys!

  4. Anthony and Mike, Takeshi will be speaking at AZGroups Day of .NET (, and he’ll be announcing the first part of the upcoming changes. That’s the beta launch. It’s separate from DiscountASP.NET hosting services, but it will be very useful to a lot of DiscountASP.NET users.

    The second change affects DiscountASP.NET’s core offering (I think this is what you’re looking for Mike), and if our internal plans remain in place, work on that will be getting underway right after the beta launch. We’ll post more on that once work begins.

    But the beta launch will be announced at AZGroups Day of .NET.

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